
"Finding a good cigar is not necessarily hard to find...Finding good company however, is a different story"

Welcome to The Lord and the Leaf.

Once a week I will be taking some time to relax and enjoy a good smoke with a friend. As we enter into conversation we will have two goals in mind...Discovering Truths and Respecting Opinions

The cigars are but a gateway into the Real conversation. Discussing Philosophy, Theology, Absolutes, and other metaphysical concepts will be the target of conversation. And of course, debating is always encouraged. I hope you enjoy...


Friday, May 21, 2010


Over the last few weeks I have been pondering this topic...Not in a mid-life crisis way of pondering, but more in an overall direction of life thought. This applies not only to life but in cigars as well. Currently I am smoking a Don Lino Africa: Punda Milla cigar. It has been aging in my humidor for well over a year. I'll get to the cigar in a minute; first I want to discuss some life. As mentioned earlier I have spent some time in thought lately over growing up. Many times I see my fellow peers on facebook post a status that goes something like this: "Why can't I go back to where my biggest problem was math homework and all I wanted to do was ride my bike?", I read this and I become somewhat nostalgic thinking of my pre-teen years but then I realize what this person is actually saying. They are afraid. More specifically they are afraid of growing up...or at least entering into adulthood.

Last week I had a buddy of mine over to enjoy a cigar and discuss the process of becoming an adult. It seems as though many of our friends either get married by the time they are 25 or stay in "college" mode until they are in their early thirties. Neither of these options really define being an adult though. Being a newly married individual I have realized that marriage at a young age can do one of two things. First, it can reveal many immaturities in one's life. Whether it be selfishness, pride, lack of grace, or rebellion; something/s will come up. What people do with this will dictate the outcome of the marriage. The one's who confront this with open communication with their spouses will lead them into a very strong and intimate marriage. But those who hide from their imperfections or do nothing about them, that marriage will very quickly venture onto thin ice. Honestly, if you don't know yourself very well, its a coin flip.

The other option I see quite regularly is staying single but never moving forward. This can be either great or devastating. I see many of my friends who have graduated from college and never move forward into a career. They just linger...and another year passes...and another...and before they realize what has happened, they have the maturity level of a 19 year old in a 30 year old body. From what I have perceived, this is a lonely place. The other side of this coin is one who embraces their position of being single and becomes content. Being content in life is something everyone should strive to forward. Being content is not working until you can relax. Being content is relaxing while you work. It is enjoying one's position exactly where they are. This leads into a whole new conversation which revolves around service. If you serve your job or your money, your will always be one step away from being content. The trick is serving the one Thing that matters and in doing so finding contentment...but that discussion is not for a blog, that is meant for face to face.

Cigars can age in many ways as well. If you're not careful with your humidor you can produce a cracked, dried-up cigar. The trick is to keep your humidor at room temperature and at an acceptable humidity level. Here is a great link about how to age a cigar. The Africa cigar I am currently smoking has been aged since July of '08. The normal flaws of this cigar is the constant relighting but that is minuscule compared to the flavor of it. It is very smooth thoughout and the flavor does not change much at all. I can compare it to a dark sumatra coffee, french pressed with nothing in it. If you like black coffee, you will love this cigar.